The Revolutionary Vampire Breast lift :
The Vampire Breast Lift™ is a non-surgical and no downtime form of breast augmentation.There are women who cannot afford to take time off from work to recuperate from an aggressive surgical procedure like a breast lift or breast implants. While women may like the size of their breasts, some would like more pronounced cleavage or more volume at the top of their breasts.
This treatment is natural in that your own cells are used, treated with a chemical that is not
foreign to the body, and injected into the specified areas. Since a distillate of growth factors
from your own blood (PRFM) is used, there should be no side effects from the material injected.
The body reacts to the treated cells as it does to a wound and immediately starts repairing the
tissue. This builds the underlying tissue with tightening, smoothing, and increased blood flow
(which makes the color more attractive). You should see improvements immediately, although
there is usually a return to prior treatment status in 3 to 5 days as the water is absorbed and prior
to the complete action of the cellular regenerative process. Within 2 to 4 weeks you will see
improvement with continued positive changes for 12 weeks. There is actual growth of new
tissue by stimulation of uni-potent stem cells, so the change is not from something foreign being
in the body but from the body actually rejuvenating and growing. The PRFM stimulates new
blood flow with new blood vessels (neo-vascularization).
Dolce Vita Cardio :
Dolce Vita Cardio Advanced Restoration of Health and Beauty with Regenerative Medicine. Using the body’s own resources is at the forefront of modern regenerative medicine. Dolce Vita Cardio brings you the cutting-edge technology that can both rejuvenate your skin, let you enjoy sex again, and treat your hair loss issues. Dolce Vita Cardio will provide the Vampire Breast lift service. Register an appointment with Dolce Vita Cardio at
Dolce Vita Cardio will provide the other beneficiary vampire services listed below :
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